CFO on-demand
Small enterprises and growth companies face from time to time situations, where there is an obvious need for "grey hair management". Financial negotiations, investor presentations, cash flow forecasts and valuations are typical examples of issues, where an experienced CFO can create significant economic value for the company. Not to mention crises in established companies, where there is need for external help to tranquilize the situation and help the firm to move on.
The typical CFO on demand -assignment is 1 - 4 days per month, in which every day is full of focus and value creation. In addition, we may run some, very intense, sprints around specific issues - and on the other hand there can be months, when the CFO-service isnĀ“t at any utilization.
The CFO on demand -service is always 100% tailor-made to the specific customer need and planned weekly in advance.